Provincial & Municipal Government

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The Provincial & Municipal Government Group within TDS is comprised of a number of experienced and knowledgeable lawyers.

Clients expect that our lawyers know the law, that is a given. While many lawyers know the law, TDS lawyers make an extra effort to not only know our clients' business, but also to understand their industry and the nuances that go along with each unique sector.

Our Provincial & Municipal Government Group lawyers work as part of our clients’ team to develop strategies and solve problems, including:

  • Corporate and Commercial - Our Provincial & Municipal Government Group helps clients with a wide range of corporate and commercial matters.
  • Labour & Employment - Labour and employment law in the provincial and municipal government sectors has some unique characteristics. Whether with respect to terminology or cultural norms, TDS Law provincial and municipal government lawyers have experience with matters specific to the sector. Workplace Health & Safety Regulations and employee handbooks are areas of interest for many employers. Our lawyers work with our clients to develop comprehensive agreements, policies and documentation to protect both the employee and the company.
  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution - With the largest litigation and dispute resolution practice in Manitoba, we are able to work collaboratively with clients to ensure that they receive innovative, cost-effective representation.
  • Property & Development - We provide a full range of services and knowledge, from development, construction, to realization on security through foreclosure and insolvency remedies.
  • Real Estate Transactions - TDS provides counsel and services to lenders and borrowers in a variety of areas such as advising on commercial sales and purchases and leasing.

While you focus on the operation of your organization, we will work on solving your legal problems and protecting your interests. Whatever your challenge, we’re ready to support you.

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