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Manitoba roots that run more than 130 years deep

Our Winnipeg office has over 110 lawyers providing clients direct access to over 30 areas of the law including taxation, environmental law, business immigration, labour and employment law, complex litigation, intellectual property, aboriginal law, and securities law. Our lawyers have access to a wide range of practice development and practice management tools. A full-service marketing department provides internal practice and business development support, and the department works with the Practice Groups to provide frequent continuing professional development opportunities.

Global Reach with Lex Mundi

TDS is the exclusive member firm in Manitoba for Lex Mundi – the world’s leading network of independent law firms with in-depth experience in more than 125 countries worldwide.

Lex Mundi brings the best together – law firms, lawyers, and business professionals – to provide world-class cross-border legal solutions. Member firms offer a global resource of unmatched breadth and depth, with over 22,000 lawyers worldwide.

Parking Information

The True North Square (TNS) Parkade is available for public parking.  The Carlton Street overhead entrance door will open when vehicles approach, and casual parkers can park on the first level (P1).  The Pay-by-License plate terminal is located at the main elevator bank and clearly identified.  Just pay and go, there is no need to display the ticket in your vehicle.  Payment can also be made or time extended by using the Park Indigo APP at APP Store for IPhone or APP Store for Android

Alternatively, the Pay By Phone App can be used, using the location# 1373. Rates are $4.00 per hour and $17.00 per day. In the event parking at TNS is full, additional heated indoor parking (connected indoors to TNS) can be found at the RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre, or at the Millennium Library.

The front entrance of the TDS Winnipeg office faces Hargrave Street near Graham Avenue. Clients entering 242 Hargrave Street, enter the elevators near the security desk and proceed to the 17th floor client reception area.

Art Collection

Every day our clients and staff are inspired by made-in-Manitoba art all around them, including indigenous art and pieces from the Winnipeg Art Gallery’s Inuit collection. Featured below are some of those pieces.

Click here to see our Winnipeg Office Art, or take a virtual office tour by watching the video below.


Location Information

1700 – 242 Hargrave Street
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 0V1

(204) 957-1930   /   1 (855) 483-7529

(204) 934-0570

Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Your Winnipeg Lawyers

Scott J. Hoeppner
(204) 822-4336
Pembina Valley / Winnipeg
Tyrone Krawetz
(204) 857-7851
Portage la Prairie / Winnipeg
Allan Stewart
(204) 934-2563
Winnipeg / Steinbach
Andrew Warkentin