Allan Fineblit Q.C. of Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP was Awarded the Richard J. Scott Award.


published 12/11/2015

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS) congratulates Allan Fineblit on receiving the Richard J. Scott Award.  

The Richard J. Scott Award is presented annually by The Law Society of Manitoba to an individual who advances the rule of law through advocacy, litigation, teaching, research or writing.

The award honours retired Chief Justice Richard Scott, who served as Manitoba’s Chief Justice for over 20 years and is a Past President of the Law Society of Manitoba.

Allan is counsel to TDS on practice and ethics matters. He provides advice and representation to regulatory bodies and other individuals and organizations across Canada and internationally.


About TDS Law

TDS Law is a leading Manitoba-based law firm for business, employment, advocacy and dispute
resolution, providing legal services to its clients locally, nationally and internationally. The full-service
firm's 85+ lawyers cover over 20 areas of practice and offer services in English, French, Spanish, Italian,
and Portuguese. TDS Law is the exclusive member firm in Manitoba for Lex Mundi - the world’s leading
network of independent law firms with in-depth experience in 100+ countries worldwide.

For more information, please contact

Mark E. Howe
Director of Client Relations
Toll-Free 1.855.483.7529


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