Black History Month


published 02/09/2021

During #BlackHistoryMonth, we are reaffirming TDS’ commitment to improving the representation of the Black community in the legal profession.  TDS is excited to be developing a mentorship program specifically focused on ensuring Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, and LGBTQ2S* students get support from, and access to, the wider legal community as they move through law school and enter the profession.

TDS is grateful for the guidance provided by the Black Law Students’ Association of Manitoba, a chapter of the Black Law Students’ Association of Canada, in developing this program.

We have also established the TDS Equity and Accountability Council that will lead and oversee the implementation and maintenance of firm policies and initiatives designed to create a culture that reflects the Core Values of TDS which includes an express commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, and accountability.  Black History Month is an opportunity for all of us to evaluate what steps we can take to support and celebrate the Black community, and to commit to enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion all year long.

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