Conservation Education Award


published 04/27/2009

Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS) has provided trusted legal advice for 100 years and was recently designated by LEXPERT® as the leading business law firm in Manitoba. TDS is a founding member of Lex Mundi, the world’s leading association of independent law firms. Through Lex Mundi, TDS provides its clients with access to more than 20,000 lawyers practising in 160 elite law firms.

TDS is rooted in the legal and business communities of Manitoba, encouraging its lawyers to be significantly engaged in wider community matters. This spirit of community engagement has been extended to the Minister’s Dinner.

TDS has been the exemplary Minister’s Dinner Event Sponsor for the past 11 years and over this time has contributed a total of $124,000 at the prestigious Benefactor level. They have been instrumental in making the Minister’s Dinner the success it is today.

TDS partner Bill Burnett, QC, is a past member of the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre Board of Directors and has been a leading member of the Minister’s Dinner Blue Ribbon Committee for 11 years.

At the 2008 dinner, TDS was presented with a custom street sign, designating the vehicle loop in front of the public entrance to the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre as “Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP Circle Drive”. This sign is now a permanent reminder of TDS’s wonderful ongoing support.

During TDS’s - 11 year sponsorship, a total of $1.1 million has been raised at the Minister’s Dinner to support more than 101 programs at the Centre. In that time, 371,000 students and visitors from more than 88 countries around the world have visited the Centre. The Centre has received numerous community, national and international awards and accolades including the Award for Excellence in Environmental Education, British Airways Award for Environmental Experience, Green Roof Award for Excellence, Best Outdoor Site in Canada (Attractions Canada), among many others.

Thompson Dorfman Sweatman has significantly enhanced environmental education programs for people from around the world through its support of the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre in partnership with DUC and the Province of Manitoba. DUC gratefully acknowledges this support and tonight we are pleased to present the 2009 Conservation Education Award to Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP.

DISCLAIMER: This article is presented for informational purposes only. The content does not constitute legal advice or solicitation and does not create a solicitor client relationship. The views expressed are solely the authors’ and should not be attributed to any other party, including Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS), its affiliate companies or its clients. The authors make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or adequacy of the information contained herein or linked to via this article. The authors are not able to provide free legal advice. If you are seeking advice on specific matters, please contact Keith LaBossiere, CEO & Managing Partner at, or 204.934.2587. Please be aware that any unsolicited information sent to the author(s) cannot be considered to be solicitor-client privileged.

While care is taken to ensure the accuracy for the purposes stated, before relying upon these articles, you should seek and be guided by legal advice based on your specific circumstances. We would be pleased to provide you with our assistance on any of the issues raised in these articles.