published 11/28/2018
We feature artist Ewa Tarsia’s three pieces of art in our new office. Watch this interview on the story behind her artwork.
About Ewa Tarsia
Tarsia was born and raised in Poland, where she graduated from the Gdansk School of Fine Art in 1979 before emigrating to Canada, settling in Winnipeg in 1991. She was inducted into the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in 2007. Tarsia has produced work for numerous group exhibitions in the United States, South Korea, Japan, Spain, England, Poland, and France, and have garnered her international recognition and acclaim. Highly versatile, original, and prolific, Tarsia works in many media: painting, printmaking, drawing, and spatial installations, offering a unique sense of texture to her work and reflecting her graphic design origins. Click here to see her art work.
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