Peter Sim Announces Retirement


published 03/28/2022

Peter Sim has retired from Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP as of March 25, 2022, after having practiced law for over 38 years. Peter grew up in Winnipeg, attending Kelvin High School and the University of Manitoba. He was called to the bar in Manitoba in 1983 and joined the firm in 2010 through a merger with Perlov Stewart.

Throughout his career, Peter worked on a wide range of matters including collections, construction disputes, personal injury, insolvency and wrongful dismissal matters. He has appeared at all levels of courts and a variety of administrative tribunals including the Human Rights Commission adjudication tribunal. He has also been involved in a variety of commercial transactions including the purchase and sale of businesses, commercial financing, incorporations and shareholder agreements.  In addition to his client work, Peter is also a respected arbitrator and adjudicator.

Peter is just as active in his community, serving on the Board of Directors of the Manitoba Naturalists Society, as well the Board of Directors of the Manitoba Associations for Rights and Liberties and as chair of its Charter Rights and Legislative Review Committee. He also served as a public representative on the Health Information Privacy Committee of Manitoba.

Peter’s skills as a lawyer, amiable manner and keen intellect will be missed and everyone at TDS wishes him all the best. 

If you would like to contact Peter, please contact Mikaela Fedoruk at (204) 934-2584 or and they would be happy to help you. 

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