Retirement of Allan Fineblit, Q.C.


published 01/31/2020

Allan Fineblit, Q.C. has advised us of his intention to retire from Thompson Dorfman Sweatman (TDS) effective January 31, 2020.

Allan joined the firm in October of 2014 after a lengthy and successful tenure as the Chief Executive Officer of the Law Society of Manitoba.  Although he has only been at TDS for just over five years, he has left an indelible mark on the firm.  From the very beginning, it was very apparent that Allan was not only very bright and creative, but he brought with him a unique warmth, humour and level of approachability that would see him become a friend to all and an invaluable leader in the firm. 

Allan didn’t join TDS to become the Chief Operating Officer (COO), but when approached, he jumped at the opportunity to be of service to the firm.  He was the perfect COO at that particular time in the firm’s recent history.  Allan has been a driving force behind the progressive change that TDS has made and will continue to make as the firm moves forward.  Allan has been a guardian of the firm’s culture and a constant reminder of how important a firm’s culture is. 

Allan has just been named as the new chair of Legal Aid Manitoba.  He has agreed to serve as a resource to TDS in the area of ethics. We wish Allan all the best in his well-deserved retirement.

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