TDS Congratulates John Stefaniuk on his Admission as a Fellow of the American College of Mortgage Attorneys


published 11/02/2020

TDS lawyer, John Stefaniuk, has been admitted as a Fellow of the American College of Mortgage Attorneys.

Formed in 1974, the American College of Mortgage Attorneys (ACMA) is comprised of more than 400 lawyers in North America who are knowledgeable in mortgage law. Its Fellows share a commitment to giving back to their profession, improving and reforming laws and procedures affecting real estate secured transactions, and raising the level of professionalism of lawyers practising in this area.

Fellows have distinguished themselves as practitioners in the field of real estate mortgage law through their skills and practice experience, bar association activities, lecturing, authoring articles and program materials, participation in the legislative process, and writing briefs and/or arguing cases that are significant to mortgage transactions.

John Stefaniuk engages in a broad practice with an emphasis on environmental law, real estate and development law, natural resources and energy, corporate and commercial law, and municipal law. 

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