TDS Congratulates Sacha Paul on Receiving the Aaron Berg Award


published 12/11/2019

Congratulations to our Partner, Sacha Paul on receiving the Aaron Berg Award. The Aaron Berg award is given to a person involved in the legal profession who has contributed significantly to the advancement of human rights in Manitoba by way of their legal work.

Sacha is a member of the English River First Nation, a Dene community located in Northern Saskatchewan. He is a graduate of the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law (2002). Admitted to the Manitoba Bar in Manitoba in 2003, Northwest Territories Bar in 2007, and Nunavut Bar in 2014. He is a partner at Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP, where he practises in the areas of Indigenous Law, Public/Administrative Law, Insurance Law and Personal Injury Law.

Through his practice and his community involvement, Sacha has demonstrated a significant commitment to ensuring access to justice and the advancement of human rights. He represented Amnesty International in Omar Khadr v. Canada, a case which has had far-reaching impact in domestic and international human rights law.  Sacha sits on the Manitoba Law Reform Commission, is a Bencher for the Law Society of Manitoba.  He is an editor with the Canadian Native Law Reporter and has taught and mentored law students at the University of Manitoba’s Robson Hall. As noted in his nomination for this award, “Sacha takes a practical, proactive approach and incorporates a human rights mindset into all that he does.”

You can listen to Sacha's interview here on CBC Listen.


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