TDS is proud to support Health Sciences Centre Foundation’s Technology for Assisted Living initiative


published 12/02/2021

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TDS CEO and Managing Partner Keith LaBossiere (left) and Health Science Centre Foundation CEO Jon Lyon

TDS is honoured to support the Health Sciences Centre Foundation’s Technology for Assisted Living initiative, developed by HSC Winnipeg and the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba.

The Technology for Assisted Living initiative aims to use communications technology to help those who are elderly, recovering from illness or surgery, or who live in remote locations and do not have safe and convenient access to medical care. In particular, Technology for Assisted Living will offer more complete and more timely care to First Nations and other remote communities in Manitoba, reducing the number of trips required to Winnipeg.

TDS’ $50,000 of support aids in the development of this program, accelerating the use of new communications and diagnostic/telemonitoring technologies that improve patient care, wellbeing, and safety. This program benefits countless individuals, and we are proud to be a part of this initiative that improves quality of life for Manitobans and keeps families connected.

This initiative is aligned with two of TDS’ Core Values: Good Corporate Citizenship and Community Minded.

Learn more about the Technology for Assisted Living initiative here.

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