published 01/09/2024
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS) congratulates Eli Milner on being recognized by the Manitoba Bar Association (MBA) with the 2024 Equality Award. The Equality Award recognizes a Manitoba CBA member whose actions have contributed to the promotion of equality within the legal profession, demonstrating excellence and commitment to the law, the legal profession and the community at large.
As one of our Core Values, equity is at the forefront of all that we do. It informs our approach to client services, community involvement, and recruitment. Our aim is to ensure that our firm and our work both reflect and respect the diversity of the individuals we serve.
Eli is an associate lawyer with TDS practising in human rights law and labour and employment law. They are currently Co-Chair of the Manitoba Bar Association Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Community (SOGIC) Section, and has been a supervising lawyer with the Trans ID Clinic at the Rainbow Resource Centre since 2020.
During law school, Eli worked at The Manitoba Human Rights Commission and won numerous awards including the Frank Billinkoff Prize in Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (2020), the D.A. Thompson Q.C. Prize in Sexual and Reproductive Rights (2020) and the D.A. Thompson Q.C. Prize in Employment Law (2020), and the Yude M. Henteleff Prize in Human Rights and Civil Liberties (2019).
The award will be presented at the MBA 2024 Mid-Winter Conference Awards Luncheon on January 19, 2024, at the Fairmont Winnipeg.
Learn more about the Mid-Winter Conference on their website.
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