TDS lawyer Kendall (Dell) Dyck to guest lecture for University of Saskatchewan’s Kanawayihetaytan Askiy course


published 01/27/2022

TDS lawyer Kendall (Dell) Dyck will be a guest lecturer at the University of Saskatchewan's Kanawayihetaytan Askiy course “Legal Process and Instruments in Resource Management” on March 14, 2022. Dell's lecture will focus on data protection and privacy law in Canada and its applicability to First Nations governance.

The full course introduces students to the study of legal instruments and process in resource management in Canada. The students will explore legal instruments in detail including ways of holding property, property transfer, property rights, business operations in First Nations communities, the taxation issues facing the business operations as well as a look at the development and impact of current legislation on lands and resources of the First Nation sector.

The Kanawayihetaytan Askiy program includes certificate and diploma options to education students on the complex land management issues First Nations communities commonly face, including land use planning, legal issues such as the duty to consult, reserve land transactions, community-based land transactions, natural resource transactions, environmental management and compliance in addition to other issues.

Learn more about the program at the University of Saskatchewan's website.

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