published 10/28/2021
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS) is delighted to support Women Business Owners of Manitoba (WBOM) and help celebrate its 35th anniversary. This year WBOM will be hosting the annual Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards the evening of Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at the Manitoba Club and TDS is a proud supporter.
The women entrepreneurs selected for these awards are leaders in our community, dedicated role models, and have a strong passion and determination to succeed and contribute to the economic development of Manitoba. As many businesses have struggled since the beginning of COVID, it is more important than ever to celebrate and honour the success of those that have been able to succeed. WBOM had over 150 nominations this past year and has declared 14 finalists. TDS lawyer Lisa Stiver acted as a judge and evaluated the nominations once again.
Congratulations to everyone - the winners, those nominated, and all the women in Manitoba that support, encourage and drive our province forward.
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