published 01/17/2020

It is with deep sadness, we announce that our friend and former colleague, Bill Hamilton, has passed away on January 13, 2020.

Bill was a longtime partner at TDS and distinguished himself as preeminent labour relations counsel and as one of our Province’s most respected labour arbitrators. Many of Bill’s written decisions stand as the seminal cases relied upon by Manitoba labour lawyers on a variety of issues. When Bill was at the firm, he was known as the “Oracle” as a result of his unbelievable breadth of knowledge in the area of labour law and his uncanny ability to recall specific cases. Bill was a funny, thoughtful and generous partner. Bill left the firm when he was appointed as Chair of the Manitoba Labour Board where he continued to issue decisions that have shaped labour relations in the Province, all the while maintaining a thriving private arbitration practice. Bill will be missed.

The Partners, Associates, Students and Staff of TDS extend our sincere condolences to the Hamilton family.

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