published 01/05/2016
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - 25 lawyers from Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS Law) have been listed in the 2016 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada by Best Lawyers®.
The following 25 TDS lawyers have been named to the 2016 edition of the Best Lawyers in Canada: Richard H.G. Adams (real estate law), Robert J.M. Adkins (aboriginal law and real estate law), Paul J. Brett (insurance law), Silvia V. de Sousa (technology law), Donald G. Douglas (insolvency and financial restructuring), Adrian B. Frost (labour and employment law), A. Blair Graham, Q.C. (alternative dispute resolution), Jeffrey B. Hirsch (administrative and public Law), Robin M. Kersey (labour and employment law and alternative dispute resolution), Keith D. LaBossiere (labour and employment law), Kenneth S. Maclean (alternative dispute resolution and labour and employment law), Barry N. MacTavish (securities law), Gordon A. McKinnon (administrative and public law, corporate and commercial litigation and insurance law), Albina P. Moran (real estate law), E. William Olson, Q.C. (alternative dispute resolution, bet-the-company litigation, construction law, corporate and commercial litigation, insurance law and labour and employment law), Chrys Pappas, Q.C. (banking and financing law, corporate law and real estate law), Sacha R. Paul (aboriginal law), William G. Percy (aboriginal law), Jeffrey D. Pniowsky (tax law), Vivian E. Rachlis (health care law), James A. Ripley (banking and financing law), Sheryl A. Rosenberg (environmental law), P. Michael Sinclair, Q.C. (corporate law and securities law), John D. Stefaniuk (environmental law and natural resources law), Gregory J. Tallon (corporate law, franchise law and mergers and acquisitions law).
For over 30 years, Best Lawyers has been publishing the world’s premier guide for the legal profession. In 2006, Best Lawyers published its first international list (Best Lawyers in Canada) and since then has grown to provide lists in over 70 countries worldwide.
About TDS Law
TDS Law is a leading Manitoba-based law firm for business, employment, advocacy and dispute resolution, providing legal services to its clients locally, nationally and internationally. The full-service firm’s 85+ lawyers cover over 20 areas of practice and offer services in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. TDS Law is the exclusive member firm in Manitoba for Lex Mundi - the world’s leading network of independent law firms with in-depth experience in 100+ countries worldwide.
For more information, please contact
Mark E. Howe Director of Client Relations TDS Law 204.934.2580 Toll-Free 1.855.483.7529
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While care is taken to ensure the accuracy for the purposes stated, before relying upon these articles, you should seek and be guided by legal advice based on your specific circumstances. We would be pleased to provide you with our assistance on any of the issues raised in these articles.