Three TDS Lawyers Join the Firm Partnership


published 05/10/2024

The partners, associates, students and staff of Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS) congratulate Sharyne Hamm, Shoshanna Paul and Courtney Weinstein on their admission to the partnership.

"Since their arrival at the firm, these talented young women have consistently showcased their exceptional legal skills and remarkable character," said Keith LaBossiere, CEO and Managing Partner of TDS. "Throughout the years, they have earned stellar reputations both within our firm and in the broader legal community."

Sharyne Hamm is a litigation lawyer, practicing primarily in the areas of construction litigation, commercial litigation and administrative and regulatory law.

Shoshanna Paul’s primary areas of practice include Aboriginal, labour and employment and intellectual property law, with a focus on negotiation, consultation, and governance.

Courtney Weinstein’s practice is focused in the areas of corporate and commercial law.

Please join us in congratulating the new partners in reaching this remarkable milestone and welcoming them into the partnership.

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