Global Client Service

TDS has over 120 years of history providing legal services to clients locally, nationally and internationally and is committed to providing clients with solutions to their legal challenges, wherever they arise. While many clients associate TDS locally with Manitoba and nationally in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and other Canadian jurisdictions, did you know that TDS can serve clients globally. Our firm is the exclusive Lex Mundi member firm for Manitoba, Canada. In fact, as this article is being written, one of our tax lawyers is on a video conference call with an American-based Lex Mundi firm, in an effort to help a Manitoba-based business to expand in the U.S.

Author(s):  Antoine Hacault

published 03/26/2013

Solving Client's Problems Internationally

TDS has over 120 years of history providing legal services to clients locally, nationally and internationally and is committed to providing clients with solutions to their legal challenges, wherever they arise. While many clients associate TDS locally with Manitoba and nationally in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and other Canadian jurisdictions, did you know that TDS can serve clients globally. Our firm is the exclusive Lex Mundi member firm for Manitoba, Canada. In fact, as this article is being written, one of our tax lawyers is on a video conference call with an American-based Lex Mundi firm, in an effort to help a Manitoba-based business to expand in the U.S.

Lex Mundi, the world's leading association of independent law firms, has gathered 160 premier firms in more than 100 countries with more than 21,000 lawyers. Lex Mundi member firms are leaders in their local jurisdictions delivering the in-depth market knowledge and local connections to help you succeed practically anywhere your business and legal challenges arise. "Lex Mundi member firms are locally based law firms, indigenous to their areas. As a result, they have developed the knowledge most necessary in their jurisdictions as well as strong ties to the legal and business communities. They also can apprise their clients of the area's political context and provide firsthand information about the local landscape", says Carl Anduri, President of Lex Mundi.

Connecting Our Clients to Premier Global Legal Services, One Client at a Time

Recently, Antoine Hacault, a partner practising business law at TDS provided legal counsel to Vintage International Inc. who was looking to manufacture product in China for producers of champagne and other producers of bubbly wines. Antoine reached out to Jun He Law Office, the Lex Mundi firm in China, to assist our client in establishing the manufacturing plant in China and also connected Clarke Gittens Farmer, the Lex Mundi firm in Barbados, in setting up an IBC (International Business Corporation) for the international distribution of the product.

Antoine says "The Lex Mundi 30 minute free advice policy provided our firm and our client the necessary support and initial direction on how to best set up the manufacturing processing plant in China. Setting up the international corporate distribution and tax structure was a cost effective and efficient process with the help of our Lex Mundi counterparts in Barbados."

The President and CEO of Vintage International Inc. says "I was impressed with the speed and reasonable cost of the advice which I received to set up my international manufacturing and distribution system. Antoine, with the assistance of the firms in the Lex Mundi network, has provided me with invaluable advice over the last 11 years which has helped me be successful in this business venture."

This case study highlights some of the benefits that TDS clients have access to through the firm's membership in Lex Mundi. TDS clients also have access to up-to-date Guide to Doing Business in Manitoba in almost 100 jurisdictions around the world. Written by local Lex Mundi firms, these guides cover regional legal issues including tax law, employment law, foreign investment, competition, intellectual property, marketing agreements, data protection and product liability, among others. Another value-added member benefit is the Lex Mundi Free Advice Policy. Under Lex Mundi's Free Advice Policy, any lawyer at a Lex Mundi member firm may contact lawyers at other Lex Mundi member firms for free advice. Free advice includes general discussions on the current status of laws, or other issues and should generally take less than 30 minutes. Clients benefit from this policy when they work through their local Lex Mundi firm to connect with Lex Mundi firms in other jurisdictions.

Anduri adds, "The key to Lex Mundi is the quality of the individual member firms. Member selection criteria are very stringent, and members are among the leading law firms in their jurisdictions. To have confidence that members continue to be the most highly regarded firms in their jurisdictions and continue to provide responsive, high-quality legal services, the organization reviews each member firm every six years. Membership is terminated if a firm does not meet Lex Mundi standards."

TDS is proud to be a founding member of Lex Mundi. Don Douglas, TDS CEO and Managing Partner says "As the exclusive law firm member of Lex Mundi for Manitoba, Canada TDS has an inimitable position where we are able to find solutions to clients problems virtually anywhere in the world."

For more information on TDS services related to our Lex Mundi membership email

DISCLAIMER: This article is presented for informational purposes only. The content does not constitute legal advice or solicitation and does not create a solicitor client relationship. The views expressed are solely the authors’ and should not be attributed to any other party, including Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (TDS), its affiliate companies or its clients. The authors make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or adequacy of the information contained herein or linked to via this article. The authors are not able to provide free legal advice. If you are seeking advice on specific matters, please contact Keith LaBossiere, CEO & Managing Partner at, or 204.934.2587. Please be aware that any unsolicited information sent to the author(s) cannot be considered to be solicitor-client privileged.

While care is taken to ensure the accuracy for the purposes stated, before relying upon these articles, you should seek and be guided by legal advice based on your specific circumstances. We would be pleased to provide you with our assistance on any of the issues raised in these articles.

The Author(s)