published 02/16/2022
Lex Mundi has updated their Global Anti-Corruption Compliance Guide. The guide allows users to download information on local anti-bribery and corruption regimes in more than 70 jurisdictions around the world, and the interactive format allows users to search for and download an individual jurisdiction’s report or compare legislation from multiple jurisdictions in a side-by-side customizable report.
The past decade has seen a significant increase in the implementation and enforcement of anti-corruption legislation around the world. Whether your team is implementing a company-wide anticorruption compliance code or advising management on a proposed overseas investment, it is imperative that legal functions within organizations understand how relevant anti-corruption laws apply to and inform the way in which they conduct their business.
The guide was compiled by Lex Mundi member firms around the globe. TDS is the exclusive Lex Mundi member firm for Manitoba, Canada, and the only Lex Mundi member firm with offices in Saskatchewan, Canada.
View the interactive guide on the Lex Mundi website.
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