Lexi Mundi Report: Into the Cyber-Breach

Lex Mundi, the world’s leading network of independent law firms with in-depth experience in more than 125 countries worldwide, has released a new report: Into the Cyber-Breach – How CLOs Build Organizational Resilience and Lead During Crises.


published 04/08/2024

How CLOs Build Organizational Resilience and Lead During Crises

Lex Mundi, the world’s leading network of independent law firms with in-depth experience in more than 125 countries worldwide, has released a new report: Into the Cyber-Breach - How CLOs Build Organizational Resilience and Lead During Crises.

The complexity of coordinating global responses to cyber-breaches led the experts who worked on the 2017 Lex Mundi Summit to focus on the overarching theme of building organizational resilience and providing leadership during crises. This report analyzes insights and best practices shared by general counsel participants during the tenth annual Lex Mundi Summit in Amsterdam, which highlighted three broad ways that general counsel contribute to organizational resilience and provide leadership:

  • Strengthening resistance to attack through basic cyber-hygiene
  • Preparing to respond to the inevitable cyber-crisis
  • Adapting the legal department to permanent cyber-vulnerability

This report includes contributions from Summit speakers covering the global threat landscape, the evolving web of regulation, the challenges posed by data-privacy regimes and general guidance for communicating in times of cyber-crises.

Download the report (PDF)

Lex Mundi brings the best together – law firms, lawyers, and business professionals – to provide world-class cross-border legal solutions. Member firms offer a global resource of unmatched breadth and depth, with over 22,000 lawyers worldwide.  TDS is the exclusive member firm in Manitoba for Lex Mundi as well as part of the Lex Mundi global Cyberbreach Rapid Reaction legal team.


If you have a privacy, data protection or cybersecurity law matter, contact one of our privacy and data security law lawyers

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