Offers to Lease
Author Rebecca M. Thomson is no longer with TDS. Please contact us for further assistance. The negotiation and signing of a commercial lease can be overwhelming for a prospective tenant.… Learn More
published 05/23/2019
Author Rebecca M. Thomson is no longer with TDS. Please contact us for further assistance.
The negotiation and signing of a commercial lease can be overwhelming for a prospective tenant. While many individuals understand the basics of residential leasing as regulated by the Residential Tenancies Branch, the commercial process is fundamentally different and offers less robust statutory protections for tenants. In order to protect themselves, every tenant should make a point of understanding the difference between an offer to lease, and the lease itself.
It is common practice for a tenant to sign an offer to lease during the negotiation stage of entering into a commercial lease. An offer to lease is a relatively short agreement that sets out the key business terms of the lease arrangement. It is usually during this stage that the landlord is willing to negotiate the terms of the lease in order to persuade the tenant to agree to lease the premises. For this reason, a tenant should review the offer to lease carefully, and consider any amendments or additions it would like before entering into a formal agreement. The landlord’s willingness to negotiate terms will vary; however, some terms that a tenant may want to consider at this stage include:
In some cases, signing the offer to lease compels the tenant to enter into the standard form of lease shortly thereafter. The result is that oftentimes the tenant and its legal counsel will not have been provided with the standard form of lease before agreeing to enter into it. The tenant should consider negotiating a provision in the offer to lease making the lease subject to amendments mutually agreed to between the landlord and the tenant. If the landlord refuses to make the lease subject to amendments, the tenant should ask to be provided with the standard form of lease prior to signing the offer to lease so that it can be reviewed.
These are just some of the issues to think about during the negotiation stage of commercial leasing. As with any agreement, offers to lease and leases vary in their wording and effect. Since the consequences of signing both can be significant, prospective tenants should consider having both an offer to lease and a lease reviewed by a lawyer before signing. If you need assistance reviewing and negotiating the terms of an offer to lease or a commercial lease, please contact our firm and ask to speak to one of our knowledgeable lawyers.
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