Our firm advises provincial and municipal governments, and large-scale resource users and managers concerning the impact of Indigenous and treaty rights. We have dealt with the effects of Aboriginal law on land claims, constitutional matters, land use conflicts, mitigation/compensation agreements, and resource management planning. We have provided advice to clients regarding on-reserve business financing. We have also assisted First Nation governments with specific land claims and internal governance matters.
Bob Adkins, K.C.
Peirce Dickson
Kendall (Dell) Dyck
Maria Grande
Antoine Hacault
Keira Hasenack
Jamie Kagan
Eli E. Milner
Elizabeth Pappas
Sacha Paul
Shoshanna Paul
Bill Percy
Jeff Pniowsky
Bradley Zander
TDS assisted Norway House Cree Nation in the purchase of the Minago Mine from Flying Nickel Corp. The purchase of the Minago Mine, located on Norway House’s traditional territory, makes… Learn More
In 1850 the Anishinaabe of Lake Huron and Lake Superior made treaties with the Crown. In exchange for ceding their land, the Anishinaabe received, among other things, the promise of… Learn More
On August 29, 2023, Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (a Saskatchewan-based group of independent First Nations) held a press conference announcing that it would be commencing a legal action in… Learn More
Bogue v Miracle, 2022 ONCA 672 On September 29, 2022, the Ontario Court of Appeal (the “ONCA”) in Bogue v Miracle, 2022 ONCA 672 [Bogue v. Miracle] affirmed the protections… Learn More
The “Numbered Treaties” in Canada are a series of eleven post-Confederation Treaties that were concluded between Canada and the signatory First Nations from 1871 to 1921. Together, they cover a… Learn More
In order to secure to the Indians of the Province the continuance of the supply of game and fish for their support and subsistence, Canada agrees that the laws respecting… Learn More