Our clients range from the largest charities and foundations in Canada to small community organizations. They include public and private foundations, hospitals, universities, schools, social service organizations, environmental groups, trade and professional associations and churches. We act as counsel to charities and not-for-profit organizations and other professionals with regard to:
The laws and regulations with which charities & not-for-profit organizations must comply is growing increasingly complicated and is ever-changing. Our experience in all matters pertaining to charities & not-for-profit organizations allows us to assist these organizations in a quick, efficient and practical manner. In addition, many lawyers at TDS serve on various boards and committees in the charities & not-for-profit sector, provides us with first-hand knowledge of the issues facing these organizations.
Mitch Billinkoff
Leilani Kagan, K.C.
Adam Kaplan
Frank Lavitt, K.C.
Richard M. Leipsic
Leo E. K. Palay
C. Leah Suderman
Celyna Yu
Author Vivian E. Rachlis is no longer with TDS. Please contact us for further assistance. On any given Tuesday or Friday, a small room on the second floor of a… Learn More
The Winnipeg Foundation (the “Foundation”) is the first community foundation in Canada, established in 1921. It is an endowment-based organization, preserving capital to leave a legacy for the long run.… Learn More
More and more Canadian charities are finding it necessary to carry on some type of business activity to generate additional revenues to support their charitable purposes. But the Canada Revenue Agency… Learn More
The law on profit-making by non-profits remains unsettled in Canada. The Income Tax Act(Canada) allows for tax-exempt status for organizations that are not registered charities as long as they satisfy… Learn More
The Infrastructure behind Social Innovation and “Philanthrocapitalism” There is increasing discourse in Canada and elsewhere on the topic of social innovation. Governments in jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom and… Learn More