Environmental & Sustainable Development

Lawyers in our firm practising in the area of environmental law provide advice concerning environmental assessment processes, environmental issues in commercial and real property transactions, contaminated site issues, environmental management systems (EMS) and regulatory compliance.

Our clients include large-scale resource users, business and industrial concerns, governments, individuals and non-governmental organizations.

We have extensive experience in representing clients in negotiations with regulatory authorities, assisting clients in undertaking environmental compliance audits, drafting environmental policies, helping clients implement environmental management systems and procedures and advocating on behalf of clients in environmental litigation, administrative hearings and in regulatory offence prosecutions.

Our lawyers practising in this area serve on a variety of councils and task forces which advise government concerning the development of environmental laws in Manitoba. Several of our lawyers are at the forefront in the development of sustainable development policies and practises in government and in the private sector.

Client Impact

Environmental & Sustainable Development Articles