Municipal Law

Our firm provides complete services in all areas of municipal law.

TDS is legal counsel to many rural and urban municipalities.  We appreciate the unique nuances of municipalities and understand how a municipality is different than a typical corporation or business.  We know how you make decisions. We know there are politics and policies behind every vote of Council.  We are aware that each decision of Council (and administration) affects public funds and resources, and we appreciate the responsibilities Council and administration have to the community and ratepayers.

Our goal is to provide you (Council and administration) with strategies and legal advice with respect to issues affecting your Municipality.  We strive to work with you to obtain the results you want, whether it be:

  • municipal by-laws (drafting and interpretation)
  • development and planning, governance advice
  • Code of Conduct complaints
  • conflicts of interest
  • privacy concerns
  • environmental issues
  • insurance
  • intergovernmental agreements and employment matters

Client Impact

Municipal Law Articles