TDS Lawyers Drew Mitchell and Lynda Troup Recognized as Lexpert-Ranked Technology and Health Sciences Lawyers


published 06/17/2024

Congratulations to TDS lawyers Drew Mitchell and Lynda Troup for their recent recognition as Lexpert-ranked technology and health sciences lawyers.

Drew Mitchell practises primarily in the area of corporate and commercial law, advising a wide variety of businesses and technology-based companies on acquisitions, dispositions, mergers and reorganizations, as well as advising on the organization and structure of corporations and other business entities, such as limited partnerships.  Drew has advised medical device companies, e-commerce companies, start-up companies, as well as software and app developers, and frequently assists such companies in securing financing, both through debt and equity issuances, as well as assisting with senior and subordinate credit facilities for both specific (such as acquisitions) and general purposes (day-to-day operating requirements).

Lynda Troup’s practice is focused in the area of civil and commercial litigation and administrative law. Lynda has experience in dealing with legal issues in a broad range of areas including insurance, intellectual property, contractual disputes, negligence, construction litigation, debtor/creditor litigation, trust litigation and employment law matters.

The Lexpert June 2024 Special Edition: Technology and Health Sciences Health Tech's Rapid Evolution includes in-depth editorial articles discussing the latest industry developments, trends and legal issues, including virtual healthcare, AI, and the downward trend in dealmaking in the tech and healthcare sectors. 

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