TDS Associate Appointed Parliamentary Poet Laureate


published 01/31/2025

It’s with great pride and excitement we announce that Chimwemwe (Chim) Undi has been selected to be Canada’s Parliamentary Poet Laureate for 2025 and 2026.

This prestigious role is chosen carefully after a deliberate nomination by the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Commons. It’s designed to help enhance the understanding of and appreciation for poetry in Canada. Included within the position’s purview is the writing of poetry for use in Parliament, sponsoring poetry readings and advising the Parliamentary Librarian on acquisitions and cultural holdings.

Chim—who practices primarily in the areas of professional regulation, labour and employment law, administrative and intellectual property—has a long history of involvement in Winnipeg’s arts community. She has served on the board of several local organizations, and she has been recognized with the CBC Manitoba Future 40 award, the University of Manitoba Future Leaders Award and was appointed as Winnipeg’s Poet Laureate for 2023 and 2024.

In addition, her published book of work, “Scientific Marvel: Poems,” which received acclaim from CBC, Winnipeg Free Press and Toronto Star, is currently available for purchase.

Everyone at TDS is eager to support Chim in this exciting new endeavour.

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